FBC Sermons

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Forfatter: David MacCallum

FBC (Ferndale Bible Chapel) in Randburg, Gauteng, is a Christian fellowship that strongly believes that the Gospel, lived and taught by our members, is indeed good news for all mankind. People are desperate to find meaning and happiness in life and they look in many places to find it.

We are determined to be God honouring and thus the Bible is acknowledged as God’s inspired word. It is dependable and very relevant (when read properly) even in the 21st century. In it we learn both of God’s holiness, his great love for us and His plan (not ours) to reach out to us. His love is demonstrated by the glorious message of the cross. Mankind usually want to go it alone but until we recognise the folly of our own way (which is the essence of sin) and we accept God’s way we will be forever lost and always searching. The truth does set a person free. We believe that Salvation is found through no-one else but the Lord Jesus Christ.

Come and visit us when you get a chance. We believe every human being is of infinite value in God’s kingdom no matter where life has ‘placed’ you at the moment. It could be life changing!